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發表於 2018-11-3 11:28:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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Most trading, except those that have an arb strategies, are trying to predict the future based on the the past and present data sets of information. Then you are making assumptions that what happened in the past, will repeat that pattern over the same time period that happened before. The problem is that the future is unpredictable. You can't be right all the time and the past does not repeat in the same way all the time. You need to find a process to use the past to be right more than wrong and manage your risk, to be around to be right again. That requires good information, a good process to use that data, discipline and enough money to be wrong. Too many trader do not have enough of each to make it.


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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 15:00:47 | 只看該作者

As others have said, it's not that trading successfully is hard, but it's the journey to make it to the level where trading becomes systematically easier is what is brutally hard.

Most people don't understand that successful long term trading is one of the most difficult things to achieve simply because you are not rewarded for rote memorization like the vast majority of occupations. If you have a sharp memory, you can do quite well in most fields like legal, business, engineering, medical, etc, where solutions of past case studies can be directly applied to current problems.

That vast majority of occupations can be mastered via rote memory plus emotional control and discipline.

Trading absolutely demands not pure memorization, but insightful understanding of market correlations and nuance to the point where you will be able to piece together a trading method. The solution will most likely be counter-intuitive and that means you also need the emotional control and discipline to properly develop and use it.

Since you arrive at these solutions via insight rather than brute force study/memorization- the great difficulty lies in being able to free your mind to get past limiting beliefs and expectations. This can take years and decades to do, if ever.

I can't speak for others, but in my own experience, I can see that when natural solutions starting coming to me, I casually mentally discarded them because they didn't fit my expectation of what a solution should look like based on the books and videos I studied about trading. I unknowingly trapped myself in a mental prison based on others beliefs and expectations. This is the normal human condition, similar to the movie THE MATRIX. Breaking free of that prison and opening your mind up to true problem solving with no preconceived expectations is the hurdle that stops many from reaching success and what makes learning how to trade feel like a hamster wheel of futility.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:49:05 | 只看該作者

For somebody who is not making money as he finds trading hard, anybody who makes money is bragging. The only way to confirm that trading is not hard is by confirming that you have a good system. The road to finding the edge for profitable trading is hard, not the trading in itself.

You said "honesty would be appreciated". But what you mean apparently is that only people who struggle also can reply; as profitable traders put salt in the wound. Reality can be hard and make you feel crap. But that might be a wake up call for you, and maybe you should question yourself as a trader or change tactics. It took me a decade to become profitable.
What you see as crap might be very valuable and good information for you. Many people see positive comments as valuable and negative (but well funded) comments as crap. Maybe they have problems with their ego. You should always put everything in question if you have problems, and not selectively what you hope is the problem, or to protect yourself. If you don't do that you might never improve your trading as you deny the real problem: yourself.

In the decacde that I struggled to become profitable I questioned myself many times and received sometimes very unpleasant comments. But analyzing ALL the received comments brought me where I am now. Selectively using comments would have left me where I was at the beginning: nowhere.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:35:38 | 只看該作者

Turtle trading is dead in fact its almost a scam caused by pure luck , these turtles just lucked out starting their trend thing at the start of the biggest 15 year bull market ever . Delete turtles from mind , they only making money selling books these days , I had a conversation with Russell Sands ( one of original turtles) a few years back and he was in a huge drawdown , I suggested some quantitative methode to improve his results , he lost the plot , he reacted like i was suggesting joining a Cult . Irony was that he was the cult . true story
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:24:34 | 只看該作者

Most people don't have enough capital, or current income to support the fight

There is no real place to practice, you are competing against some sophisticated MotherF*****

You have no edge, or have not taken the time to develop a real edge

you are not patient enough to execute the edge even if you have one

It takes many many years of study to get really good, people don't have the patience to take the time to learn

People are lazy
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:13:32 | 只看該作者

by sle

For sure. Also, I think a lot of people underestimate how much patience and self confidence is required for this job. Even if you have a strategy with a long-term Sharpe of 2, it's hard to distinguish it from noise on a day to day basis.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:11:34 | 只看該作者

I believe trading is hard for the following reasons:

1. Because the lack of time the trader may have to study the charts and find a profitable strategy over X amount of trades. Assuming everyone works a full time job, it will take a very long time study charts and test different ways to make money.

2. Trying too many different trading methods and getting confused.

3. Trading real money with out any proof of making money in demo.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:10:08 | 只看該作者

I always found the emotional aspect the hardest, especially if you are risking your own hard earned capital. Too much complacency in the good times and too much fear in the bad times can wreck some havoc in the best of us and that’s in isolation from social or family pressure. Add those in and you virtually have to become a robot.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:08:06 | 只看該作者

Meditate on this nugget of Zen brilliance from one of the real masters.

"A losing trader can do little to transform himself into a winning trader. A losing trader is not going to want to transform himself. That's the kind of thing winning traders do."
Ed Seykota
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-11-3 13:05:58 | 只看該作者

Absolutely that's why it is so hard. When I suggest that Random Walk is still the best description of price movement, even with it's well known flaws, people get pissy. I do concede that there is just enough non-randomness in markets that it might be possible to exploit with TA methods. However, as PistolPete has pointed out, you should empirically prove your approach results in a positive expectancy method before committing too much of your life or your hard earned money. Prove it to yourself, not me or this board.
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