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標題: 這老美話說的直白,但也太美化TA [打印本頁]

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-7-3 13:07
標題: 這老美話說的直白,但也太美化TA
IF you think you are gonna make a million dollars during your first 1 years trading, then quit while you're ahead.
IF you think you think all those "gurus" lifestyles are from trading alone, then quit while you're ahead.
IF you think this is easy skill to learn, then quit while you're ahead.
IF you don't have the time to dedicate, and i mean really dedicate,then quit while you're ahead.
IF you have any financial responsibility during the first couple years of the start of trading.
IF you don't like staring at charts for 4-8 hrs a day, then quit while you're ahead.
IF you think you can predict the news, then quit while you're ahead.
IF you can't handle loosing(註: 應該是losing,op可能typo) , then quit while you're ahead.
IF you think there is a "holy grail strategy"(聖杯策略), then quit while you're ahead.
IF you can't make money in SIM(模擬交易) what makes you think you will make money live?

-mainly talking about es s&p 500 - but can be related to any market

The majority of people will lose money within in their first year, this goes for swing and day traders.  For the few that keep going, that first year will be their "eye-opener" about markets. This goes for stock and futures. They will start to learn that it is not as easy as the "gurus" make it look.

Now, about these  "gurus" they may be able to make money with their systems.  But what you don't understand is that for most of them trading is supplementary income. They make most of their money from there subscribers. Most of these guys will show you complex strategies that might take you a while to learn, which keeps you subscribing, and after you learn it you might realize that its not the best strategy. Most of these guys on you tube and twitter scalping for a few ticks or a few points, CHUMP CHANGE! You want to be able to take advantage of the big trend moves during the intraday time and go for 10+ or at least 5pts. Of course you can scalp along the way. Now, the market isn't gonna shell out 20 pt moves everyday, so be aware of that, but on those special days with strong momo - those days can make an entire month. Dedication is important if you miss a day it could bee that day that we move 20pts. As your chart reading skills improve you will be able to identify when days like that may be likely to happen.  When you can read the chart and read it well, and understand what you're looking at you'll have made great leaps on your journey.

You'll have to dedicate much more time in the beginning and then as you improve you'll notice you don't need to really do much except manage trades. The whole process will become easier as you gain confidence. All the people that like to learn and teach themselves will excel the fastest. Don't bother with "gurus". All beginners should start with sim. I would have saved 5k if i started wit sim. Also, to people that say you need 50k to trade futures, you're all snakes! A amateur should never take 50k to trade with, NEVER. Beginners, if you really think you're good enough to skip sim, please don't take more than 5k to the markets. Here's the logic, and it's similar to sim(sim就是模擬交易的簡寫) logic, IF you cant make money with 2-5k you will lose all you 50k before you know it. And don't treat the sim like a joke... If you were a pilot would you treat flight simulation like a joke and start doing doughnuts in the air? set the sim to 5k and try to double or even triple it without loosing too much. Try to do it fast, but don't force trades where there are none. when you can double that account you may be ready to go live.

If you think TA doesn't work then leave my fucking thread now because you are an idiot. TA(技術分析) is the only way to trade, TA goes back to market inception. forget all you learned, clear all you indicators off your chart. Stare at naked chart for a few months and you'll start to see things differently.

資料來源: elitetrader.com

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