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標題: 美國人對XIV(做空VIX基金)的發行者第一波士頓展開訴訟 [打印本頁]

作者: sec2100    時間: 2018-3-19 07:23
標題: 美國人對XIV(做空VIX基金)的發行者第一波士頓展開訴訟

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... y-note-that-crashed

作者: sec2100    時間: 2018-3-19 07:26
“Credit Suisse was actively manipulating the Inverse VIX Short ETNs by liquidating its holdings in various financial products to avoid a loss,” Chahal’s attorneys wrote in the complaint. The filing mainly draws on public information, while noting Chahal aims to turn up more evidence to bolster the case .

Credit Suisse disputed the claims.

“The publicly available prospectus accurately and fully disclosed the risks of an investment in XIV, which is only intended for sophisticated institutional clients,” the Zurich-based bank said. “Credit Suisse did not engage in any conduct designed to mislead investors regarding XIV’s value or cause the February 5, 2018, decline in XIV’s price.”

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