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標題: 這老美一連推薦了3到4本交易書籍 [打印本頁]

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-9-14 19:13
標題: 這老美一連推薦了3到4本交易書籍

I trade between 3 and 10 times per day (always with a hard stop), so for better or worse, your parameter has drawn a post in response out of me.

Probably it will help you to read textbooks specifically designed to explain "How to develop your own trading system". There are several (not to mention parts of other textbooks not written specifically to answer that question). Both Van K. Tharp's Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom and Tushar S. Chande's Beyond Technical Analysis are potential starting-points, if you haven't read them. So - in a very different way - is Michael Harris's Profitability & Systematic Trading.

Personally, I'd also strongly recommend Bob Volman's books, for what you want to try to do.

I'd advise you not to be put off by the fact that many such books aren't aimed specifically at people wanting to trade 3 - 10 times per day, because "charts are charts" and they're fractal to a large degree, and you can learn a lot that wasn't written for your specific objectives but is still perfectly valid when applied to them.


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