Optionshare 選擇幫

標題: 金管會應該測驗一個人適不適合交易期權,通過才能開戶! [打印本頁]

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-8-19 21:21
標題: 金管會應該測驗一個人適不適合交易期權,通過才能開戶!
I've always stated that traders should be require to learn basic things like risk management, issues about proper leverage & margin and such after opening a trading account and then be require to pass some kind of test on these issues.

In addition, maybe us even required to pass a simulation trading exam on whatever it is they're trading while applying what they learned from risk management and such.

Sounds ridiculous and it'll most likely hurt the broker industry, charting vendors but even something as "driving school" is required to be passed prior to allowing someone to get drivers license and get on the road to drive.

Simply, there should be a restriction in the form of test (series) just like professional financial institutions review about their traders (employees) to ensure the new hires have passed so that there's a level of competency.

Currently, to trade...you just need money, identification and some other paper work to be completed. No tests and that's why there's a revolving door of us retail traders.

資料來源: elitetrader.com

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-8-19 21:35
作者: 王文忠    時間: 2017-8-20 08:32
本帖最後由 王文忠 於 2017-8-20 08:53 編輯





作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-8-20 08:42
王文忠 發表於 2017-8-20 08:32
我一直認為,交易員應該要 ...


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